Yes, These are made at home(not store ones)for under 4 bucks under 10 mins....Do u believe it.????? This is my second post that has Rice Krispies Cereal as the main ingredient,the first being a Hot Savory Rice Krispy Snack and this one that complements it . Another yummy idea is to use any flavored marshmallows or add chocolate chips to the cereal before mixing.Go crazy creating plain or choclate coated-Easter eggs .They're perfect for when you are short on time or for kids party time and stays fresh for 2 days outside(that means refrigerate after 2 days).I simply followed the recipe on the back of the Cereal box and here they are as it is. without any modifications.......
INGREDIENTS:20-25 medium sized ones(as in pic)
Rice Krispies----------------------6 cups
Butter----------------------------3 Tbps
Regular Sized Marshmallows------1 packet of 10 Oz size(contains about 35-40) Plain
1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.
2. Add KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated.
3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper evenly press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool for 20-30 mins. Cut into 2-inch squares. Best if served the same day.
1.The recipe calls for 6 cups of Rice krispy cereal and 1 packet marshmallow which makes too much for a family without kids.So I suggest couples, just cut down the measurements by half .
2.I took a large sheet of Aluminium foil(double the size of pan), pressed the foil on to the sides of the pan instead using cooking spray and transferring the mixture into the pan.Then again simply folding it over the top compleely.
3.Better to refrigerate after 2 days.Make desired shape when cool but still warm enough to mould them.