Potatoes-----------------------3 medium sized ones pelled and cut to bite size pieces
Rice Flour---------------------1 tbp
Sambar/Rasam powder-------1 tsp
Chilli powder------------------1 tsp
Turmeric----------------------1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds-------------------1/2 tsp
Oil----------------------------2 tbsp
1.Microwave the potatoes in some boiling water for 5-7 mins until they are cooked.
2.Remove and run under cold water.Pat dry.Heat oil in a pan.
3.Add cumin seeds.curry leaves when hot.Coat the potatoes with rice flour+ sambar powder+ chilli powder+ turmeric mixture and fry in oil.
4. Add salt and toss them until potaotes turn golden brown.
5.Serve hot with rice or roti.